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By Dr James Njunge (from the web)

A new article publsihed by Dr James Njunge has investigate the application of new technologies on fighting malnutrition.

"According to estimates by UNICEF close to six million children die every year before their fifth birthdays. About 80% of these deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Almost half have underlying malnutrition. Children with poor nutrition are more likely to die from common infectious diseases than well-nourished community peers. Death in undernourished children is thought to be driven by an interaction between malnutrition, poor ability of the body to absorb scanty nutrients and grow, and inability of the body to fight disease. Most undernourished children are hospitalized mainly following an illness episode. Despite considerable efforts, clinical trials, and guidelines on management of acutely ill malnourished children; in-hospital and post-hospital mortality remains unacceptably high, making it an area where nutritional science could be transformative."

You can read the full publication here: