

About: My name is Zayed Ahmed Mohsen Obad ABO ALI, I'm a UN Volunteer (UNVs) As National Emergency Nurse ( RN ) in UN Clinics/UNDP, Yemen, And I have about/nearly ten (12) years experiences in Nursing in multiple fields and different places/areas, And other of experiences as Trainer in first aids, as Receptionist and Administrative & Finance Assistant. I hope/wish and interested more for professional development/study, serving and to working in the fields of Humanitarian and Healthy for any challenge of challenges and their impact on health and humanitarian as going now and/or will impact in the future. To be Together for humanitarian and Together for a healthier world. All people, everywhere, should enjoy the highest standard of health (Good health and well-being) and in all fields of Humanitarian in over all the world.

Location: Yemen
Job: Student


  • National Emergency Nurse at UNDP/UNV

    7 Jul 2020 - 31 Dec 2024


  • Business Administration at University of People
  • 7 Apr 2022 -
  • Humanitarian Action and Peacebuilding at Oxford Brookes University
  • 19 Sep 2023 -
  • High Nursing at Sana'a University, Faculty/College of Medicine and Health Sciences
  • 1 Sep 2009 - 30 Jun 2012

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